MF is for guys into guys – we leave it there as a lot more guys than you probably realise are what you might call ‘part-timers’.  They like to play with other guys from time to time, just not all the time.  Menfriends offers a place for down low hookups while the rest of the time these guys are happily on with women. 

It’s full of guys just like you actually, like the guy down the street and that guy in the team you played on the weekend.  All sorts. 

A good question but a lot of people do.  At Menfriends you pay for the use of the venue, nothing else.  Any person asking or offering payment for sex will be asked to leave.

Why not?  It’s clean, it’s horny, it’s safe, it’s warm, it’s open all hours, it has useful free stuff, friendly staff who wont ask awkward questions and is much cheaper than a motel.  You will always ‘have a place’ at MF – for hook-ups or rentals.  Best of all, it has private rooms with lockable doors and squab beds where you can get busy.

When you are in the mood and can afford it.  A visit to a place like Menfriends is always ‘take it as you find it’ in both numbers and types of guy.  Some visits you will be spectacularly lucky and it all works for you.  Other times it’ll take a little longer.  We have customers who swear they get more action when its quiet than when its busy.  If you want a guarantee, hire a rent-boy.  We do not respond to questions like ‘are you busy’ ‘how many are in there atm’ ‘what’s it usually like on a Tuesday’? 

It’s as good a place as any other place to find a partner.  We have many couples in our present and past client list.  A guy who is open to a little more than sex will usually give you clues so listen carefully if you are too.  A lot of guys only want sex; that’s very normal so dont be that dickhead who insists on more than the other person is offering. 

You are welcome to cross dress at Menfriends. Some guys arrive dressed up and others dress up after they arrive.  You can hire our Luxury Bathroom if you are shy about getting changed publicly.  Cross dressing (XD) is for guys who enjoy wearing clothing/lingerie of the opposite sex.  At Menfriends that means female lingerie and or clothing.

You can if you meet our usual criteria for entry.  Not every girl wants to bang their boy with a strap-on, and some guys have a hankering for the feel of a real cock attached to a real person.  Some girls are threatened by the thought their man might enjoy it ‘down there’.  A visit to Menfriends from time to time sorts such issues safely and discreetly. 

Not everyone but most guys get over their nervousness very quickly.  Menfriends suits guys who are comfortable with themselves and wherever they are at.  We suit guys who like a little privacy and appreciate having the chance to meet other guys in a safe secure and very sexual space.

Hahaha… no, you can’t.  Anyone found offering or asking for money will be asked to leave.  BUT..  You are very welcome to bring someone who is paying you or you are paying for.   We will always be discreet and treat you both with the same respect that everyone receives.  If you have hired a rent boy – the same applies.   No judgements or awkward questions are asked – we only need a first name for our book and hope you have an amazing time!

That’s because most of our clients don’t park right in front of our building.  They should, it’s covered by a security camera so it’s a lot safer. Most of our clients park in the surrounding streets and walk the last 100m.

Yes, it does. As the busiest sex on site venue in NZ we can safely say it does. When it gets busy nobody knows but Special Sessions and Dress Coded sessions are always popular.

If you only want to meet 18 -23 yr old’s you are in the wrong place and yes, you probably will think everyone is old.  Hire an escort if you want youth that will say yes.  Menfriends is a venue for adults and most adults don’t feel someone over 23 is old.  We get all ages at different times and we never know who is going to be on site at any particular time.  As a hospitality venue our patterns are similar to any other hospitality venue.  Enquiries about client numbers, client ages and best time to come will be ignored – sorry! 

Trans guys are just as welcome as any other guys.  We count trans guys among our regular customers.  Being trans male alone does not entitle you to entry any more than being gay or bisexual does.  Our Reception Staff consider how comfortable they think someone will be in the venue.  It’s their decision alone and it’s made at the time.  Menfriends is a venue for guys so you need to look like a guy.  In this regard we find it can help if your transformation is reasonably advanced. 

Menfriends is a private club exclusively for gay, bi and trans men. If you are one of these three, you are eligible for admission.

Not usually, but if you would like to access one of the discounts we offer, proof of eligibility may be needed.  If you look under 18, you might need to show ID. 

See our Beginners Guide